Saturday, February 15, 2014

An Old Writing Tip!

Sometimes you have to go back to go forward.  While searching for my muse one night I started thinking of things I've learned over the years and remembered something I learned in writing class way back when I was in College.    This tip I am about to share with you is one I have heard countless times since that class and to this day it makes great sense!  It’s also an easy one to live with.  It will only cost you some time and it’s one I’m sure everyone will enjoy.   And that tip is that if you want to be a good writer then you should read a lot of books.

Yes that’s it, READ!  But not just Authors you like or genres that you enjoy, but read everything!  You need to expose yourself to a wide variety of writing styles.  You would be surprised how much you absorb by reading things that may be out of your comfort zone.  It may not be something you use now but a month from now, maybe 6 months down the road you might need some mechanism or plot twist for your story and it may come to you  thanks to something you read.  I’m not speaking of Plagiarism, I’m speaking of ideas and suggestions.

Wait a minute, that’s the secret to learning to write?  No of course not,there is no secret to learning to write.  You need to just do it.  Of course there are some Rules of English that you will need to master.  But writing a good story comes down to imagination and communication.
These are traits and skills that can be nurtured and developed.

So get out there and buy a book.  Try some of the self published books out today.  There are a lot of good authors going this “New “ non traditional route.  Let me know how it goes.