Sunday, March 30, 2014

Work or Hobby?

Do you treat writing as a job or hobby.  That makes all the difference in the world.  My will to write ebbs and flows like the tides at a beach.  I go through periods of time where I write every waking moment.  I cannot walk away from by chromebook, and if I do then I think about what I will write when I return to it.  Then there are other times when I avoid it like the plague.  I make every excuse I can so as to not write.  Unfortunately the I do not feel like writing periods far outweigh the I want to write periods.  Why is that?

Well I have been thinking about this and I think I have an answer.  At least an answer that pertains to me.  I think it’s something that a lot of people can identify with.  To me writing is a hobby.  What does that mean?  Well to me a hobby is something you want to do.  Something I do in my spare time.  Something I do to both relax and to spend some of my valuable time on.

Once I start to treat it as a job I no longer look at it the same way.  Now I am not so relaxed.  Its a job I have to do it well.  I have to produce something.  

See what I mean?  It makes a difference, work or hobby.  How you treat your writing as well as your personality will make the difference.  I spend 7-10 hours a day, five days a week at my day job.  It takes on average 1 ½ hours to drive home from my job.  By the time I have dinner and help my wife clean up its always at least 8:00 every evening.  That does not leave me much time for a second job or a hobby.

Well that's my problem and I’m sure its a problem for countless others.  How you handle will differ but it has to be handled if you are to succeed.  I choose to still consider writing a hobby.  In that way I will produce maybe not as much as some others but at least I will enjoy what I am doing.  Maybe as time goes on I will change how I think, but for now I choose to call this my hobby.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Practice Makes Perfect

I think I have discovered a trait that all great (or even good) writers must have.  Now I have NOT done any exhaustive studies or surveys  to discover this thing.  I am basing it solely on personal observation and experience.  Now I know that this is a small study group, and the margin of error could be 100%!  But I think once I reveal it and explain my reasoning you will all agree.

OK, are  you ready?  What I have discovered is Discipline.  That's right discipline.  Think about it, without discipline nothing would get done.  What separates those that DO from those that DON’T?  Its certainly not talent because there's a lot of crap produced in the world.  And some of it is actually sold very successfully.

Discipline is a key ingredient to becoming both a better writer as well as a more successful writer.  No matter how good your command of the English Language is you can always get better.  “Practice makes perfect”, really is a proverb with a lot going for it.  You can only get better if you practice your craft.  Writing is a craft.  Its not just having a command of the language.  It includes the ability to be a Storyteller.  Storytelling is both a Skill and an Art and like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it will get.

Having the discipline to sit down and spend X number of hours writing each week will make you improve both as a writer and as a storyteller.  For me the development of discipline has been very difficult.  Yeah, sure I can do it for a short time, 3-4 weeks and then it gets cast to the wayside as excuses come in.  This needs to get done, this is more important, I will make up the time tomorrow, etc, etc, etc.  After a while the excuses come easier and the guilty feelings vanish that much quicker.

Discipline, certainly not my strong point.  And I am sure many of you have the same problems.  There are some that are so regimented and disciplined that they can turn out tons of work.  I really envy them!  Well I have to end this now, I have to go take the garbage out……

Keep writing  

Saturday, February 15, 2014

An Old Writing Tip!

Sometimes you have to go back to go forward.  While searching for my muse one night I started thinking of things I've learned over the years and remembered something I learned in writing class way back when I was in College.    This tip I am about to share with you is one I have heard countless times since that class and to this day it makes great sense!  It’s also an easy one to live with.  It will only cost you some time and it’s one I’m sure everyone will enjoy.   And that tip is that if you want to be a good writer then you should read a lot of books.

Yes that’s it, READ!  But not just Authors you like or genres that you enjoy, but read everything!  You need to expose yourself to a wide variety of writing styles.  You would be surprised how much you absorb by reading things that may be out of your comfort zone.  It may not be something you use now but a month from now, maybe 6 months down the road you might need some mechanism or plot twist for your story and it may come to you  thanks to something you read.  I’m not speaking of Plagiarism, I’m speaking of ideas and suggestions.

Wait a minute, that’s the secret to learning to write?  No of course not,there is no secret to learning to write.  You need to just do it.  Of course there are some Rules of English that you will need to master.  But writing a good story comes down to imagination and communication.
These are traits and skills that can be nurtured and developed.

So get out there and buy a book.  Try some of the self published books out today.  There are a lot of good authors going this “New “ non traditional route.  Let me know how it goes.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Some Updates

I'm going to use this entry in my Blog to give you a some updates.  First off my novel Voodoo Street.  I am in the second rewrite on this.  It's going slow but we are moving forward with it.  Some of you may know that I began writing this book last year.  When I finished it I had a couple of proofs made up and gave it to some friends and family that I trust.  I have since received back their comments and I am now working through them.  More to come on this in the future.

My Google Chromebook has accomplished what I wanted it to.  I was hoping that a small very portable laptop would give me NO excuses not to write.  So far so good, the Chromebook comes with me every where.  When I have some time I have my tools with me.  The Chrome equivalents of Microsoft work just fine for me.  They are fairly compatible with existing Microsoft programs and they allow me to move back and forth between my Chrome Book and my laptop.  This was one of the best investments I have ever made in my writing career.

If you remember back a few weeks ago I had decided that "Writing More" was going to be one of my New Years Resolutions.  I'm proud to say that as we are poised to begin February I have been writing more.  I know, I know it s still early in the year but to paraphrase an old saying that says, "Every long journey begins with a single step."  You have to start small and build it on it.  That's my plan!

One of the projects I'm working on currently is a memoir.  Now a lot of people think a memoir is something only a famous person would write.  And that's probably true if you are looking for book sales.  But that's not why I'm writing this.  This is being written for both my parents and and my wife's parents.  This will only be circulated within the family.  I want to preserve the history of our families. The stories of the successes as well as the failures.  I want my kids and maybe someday my grand kids to know where they came from.  I believe you cannot look to the future without having a solid foundation in the past.

Well that's my updates for early 2014.  How are you doing with your New Year so far?  Let us know.

Keep writing!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Years Resolutions

This is the time of year when people stop what they are doing so as to be able to look back on the year that was.  Was it a good year?  Have I accomplished everything I wanted to?  What could I have done differently?  These and other questions pop in  to the minds of everyone.  And then thoughts of the future.  What can I do to ensure the new year will be a good one for me and my family?  What can I do to achieve my goals?

The answer after much thought is usually a long list of “Resolutions”.  Traditionally everyone uses New Years as a time to make these resolutions.  Unfortunately most people break them within a few weeks of making them.  The trick is to not make them so tough that they cannot be kept.  There is a balance that must be kept between what we want to accomplish and what we can accomplish.  

So rather than make grandiose promises that cannot be kept,make smaller ones that help you build towards your ultimate goal.  Let me give you an example of what I mean.  Last month I wrote about myself and how I had not taken my writing seriously.  Now that in itself is not terrible if writing is just something you do as a hobby or a pass time.  But if you have hopes of being a successful writer well then you need to treat your writing as a profession.  I finally came to realize that back in November.  At that time I decided that I wanted to take my writing to the next level, but how?  

I decided that I had to make some changes, some resolutions for what was left of this year and to carry into next year.  But which ones?  My first was a simple and easy one for anyone to fulfill.  That is to just write more.  I did not choose one that would be difficult like write a new novel every month.  No I set my sights much lower.  It is to just write more.  I set my sights on writing just a few hours every week.  I have found this one to be a good one as every time I sit down to write for even a short time it invariably becomes a major writing event.  I can’t help it.   For me the act of writing begets more writing.  

I think New Years resolutions can be very helpful if we take the time to think them out and and use them more as   a reminder of we want to accomplish as opposed to a set of rules we need to adhere to.

Keep writing!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year

In another couple of days the year 2013 will end and be nothing more than a memory.  What will you remember of the year that was?  Was it a good year?  As I think back for me it was a very good year.  My wife and kids are healthy, certainly this has to be one of if not the most important thing.  All things considered it has been a good year for me and my family.  Both of my children have successful careers, one is an Attorney the other is a Music Teacher.  Both like what they do and both are making moves designed to advance their respective careers.  My wife is a Paralegal with a good job.  And myself, well I am working on finishing up my 26th year at the firm I’m with.  In addition I continue to advance and gain responsibility.  So I guess in the current America we are doing well.

One thing I will remember about this year is that this was the year I became serious about my writing.  Up until this year I would write when I felt like it.  That meant that sometimes I would write everyday for a week and then I would stop and not write again for months.  This was no way to develop my writing skills or get anything done.  I have felt as many of us have that I have a novel inside me.  Since I made up mind that I would write consistently I have written one novel and I am very much into my second.
Yes I will remember 2013 as the year I took my writing seriously!  No regrets, I will spend the next few years writing as a profession and see where it takes me. This time next year it will be interesting to see where I am.  What will you remember about the year that passed.  Will it be remembered for regrets or as a positive?  Its time to start planning next year.  Everyone always makes New Years Resolutions.  What are yours?  Is it to write more?  Travel More?  Maybe to spend more time with the family.  There is no right or wrong, only what's good for you!  Think about it, see what works for you and make those resolutions and try to stick to them.  Do not make them so tough that you are bound to fail.  By the same token don’t make them to easy.  But make them!

As an addendum to my last entry I did get the ChromeBook.  I have to say it is everything I was looking for.  It’s small (an 11.6 inch screen) and lightweight ( less than 3 pounds) so that I have no excuse not to take it with me everywhere I go.  Now it works for me because I do not use any specialty writing programs.  Google Docs works just like Microsoft Word though certainly not as powerful.  If you use a particular Microsoft program this will not work for you.  If all you use is Word to write then this will work for you too.  I now have a basic “laptop” that cost me just $129 (refurbished) on groupon.  This blog was typed on the Chromebook.  No excuses!

Have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Writers Block

I never truly believed in the Writers Block, but these last two weeks I have become all to familiar with the term.  I am not sure what caused it, maybe the holiday season and having to deal with Family and Friends.  Maybe it’s the pressure from my day job.  With year end coming client demands have been off the wall.  Or maybe I just needed to get away from writing for a little bit.  I’m not really sure.  What I do know is that I have gone from being prolific all through the summer and into September to almost a standstill.


My book Voodoo Street is screaming for me to finish the 2nd edit.  Instead I have done everything but work on this.  The result being that now the release will be delayed until the end of January.  Not only that but a couple of other projects I am currently working on have been delayed which has caused a little grief for me with editors I am working with.


What is the answer?  Again I’m not sure but let me tell you what I am trying.  Firstly I am getting a new laptop.  My current laptop is over 4 years old.  A little large with a 15.6 inch screen weighing more then a couple of pounds.  On top of that the battery is pretty played out.  What does that all mean?  It means it’s a hassle to take it with me.  That cuts down on the places that I can write.  I needed more portability, so what did I get?  I ordered an Acer Chrome Book.  It’s much smaller with an 11.6 inch screen and thanks to the new Lithium battery it weighs less than 3 pounds.  Now I know what a lot of you are saying “a Chrome Book, that’s no good you can’t run windows”.  That’s right I can’t run windows, so what.  There are programs for Google Chrome that will allow me to open my windows projects and continue them on this new laptop.  I am not married to windows and Microsoft WORD.  I am counting on this new found portability to give me more opportunities to write. 


In addition to the new laptop which according to the shipper I should receive on December 16, I have decided to put a few challenges into my writing life.  The first is to write at least 5 hours each week.  I know this doesn’t sound like a lot but I have noticed that many times when I finally sit myself down to write a session can easily last for hours.  On top of that I have committed to writing for a couple of websites (more news on this to come), this commitment should get me going.


How do you handle the “BLOCK”?  I am sure there are many ways and everyone needs to know themselves and what will work for them.  I’ll keep you posted.


And write I will!