Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Years Resolutions

This is the time of year when people stop what they are doing so as to be able to look back on the year that was.  Was it a good year?  Have I accomplished everything I wanted to?  What could I have done differently?  These and other questions pop in  to the minds of everyone.  And then thoughts of the future.  What can I do to ensure the new year will be a good one for me and my family?  What can I do to achieve my goals?

The answer after much thought is usually a long list of “Resolutions”.  Traditionally everyone uses New Years as a time to make these resolutions.  Unfortunately most people break them within a few weeks of making them.  The trick is to not make them so tough that they cannot be kept.  There is a balance that must be kept between what we want to accomplish and what we can accomplish.  

So rather than make grandiose promises that cannot be kept,make smaller ones that help you build towards your ultimate goal.  Let me give you an example of what I mean.  Last month I wrote about myself and how I had not taken my writing seriously.  Now that in itself is not terrible if writing is just something you do as a hobby or a pass time.  But if you have hopes of being a successful writer well then you need to treat your writing as a profession.  I finally came to realize that back in November.  At that time I decided that I wanted to take my writing to the next level, but how?  

I decided that I had to make some changes, some resolutions for what was left of this year and to carry into next year.  But which ones?  My first was a simple and easy one for anyone to fulfill.  That is to just write more.  I did not choose one that would be difficult like write a new novel every month.  No I set my sights much lower.  It is to just write more.  I set my sights on writing just a few hours every week.  I have found this one to be a good one as every time I sit down to write for even a short time it invariably becomes a major writing event.  I can’t help it.   For me the act of writing begets more writing.  

I think New Years resolutions can be very helpful if we take the time to think them out and and use them more as   a reminder of we want to accomplish as opposed to a set of rules we need to adhere to.

Keep writing!

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